
class galileo_sdk.sdk.stations.StationsSdk(stations_service, connector=None, events=None)[source]
__init__(stations_service, connector=None, events=None)[source]


__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.

__eq__(value, /)

Return self==value.

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).

__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.


Return hash(self).

__init__(stations_service[, connector, events])


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.

__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.



Helper for pickle.

__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).

__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().



Accept an invitation to join a station

add_host_path_to_volume(station_id, …)

Add host path to volume before running a job Host path is where the landing zone will store the results of a job

add_lz_to_station(station_id, lz_ids)

Add landing zones to a station

add_volume_to_station(station_id, name, …)

Add volume to a station

approve_request_to_join(station_id, user_ids)

Admins and owners can approve members to join a station

create_station(name[, description, user_ids])

Create a new station

create_station_role(station_id, name[, …])

Creates a new role in the station

delete_host_path_from_volume(station_id, …)

Remove a host path Host path is where the landing zone will store the results of a job


Permanently delete a station


Deletes the resource policy associated with the station lz.


Deletes the resource policy associated with the station.

delete_station_role(station_id, role_id)

Deletes an existing role.


Deletes the resource policy associated with the station role.


Deletes the resource policy associated with the station user.



Returns the user’s calculated (or effective) resource policy in the station.


Get station by id

get_station_lz_resource_limits(station_id, lz_id)

Returns the user’s calculated (or effective) resource policy for this particular lz in a station

get_station_lz_resource_policy(station_id, lz_id)

Gets the resource policy for a station lz.


Gets the resource policy for a station

get_station_role_resource_policy(station_id, …)

Gets the resource policy for a station role.

get_station_roles(station_id[, page, items, …])

Returns a list of StationRole objects that match the query string

get_station_user_resource_policy(station_id, …)

Gets the resource policy for a station user.

invite_to_station(station_id, user_ids, role_id)

Invite user(s) to a station


Leave a station as a member

list_public_stations([mission_types, …])

Get a filtered list of public stations

list_stations([station_ids, names, lz_ids, …])

Get a filtered list of Galileo Stations that are accessible in your account.


Callback will execute upon a creation of a new station


Callback will execute when a station has been destroyed Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute upon an invite to a station being accepted Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when an invite to a station has been rejected Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute upon an invite sent Emitted to admin of a station


Callback will execute when a lz has been added to the station Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a machine has been removed from a station Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a member has been removed from a station Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a request to join a station has been accepted Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a request to join the station has been received Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a request to join a station has been rejected Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a station has been updated Emitted to admin


Callback will execute when a volume has been added to the station Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a volume host path has been added Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a volume host path has been removed Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a volume has been removed Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a station has been destroyed Emitted to member of station


Callback will execute when a lz has been added to the station Emitted to members of station


Callback will execute when a lz has been removed from a station Emitted to members of a station


Callback will execute upon a member has been added (request has been approved or invitation has been accepted) Emitted to all members of a station


Callback will execute when a member has been removed from a station Emitted to members of a station


Callback will execute when a station has been updated Emitted to members of the station


Callback will execute when a volume has been added to the station Emitted to members of station


Callback will execute when a volume host path has been added Emitted to members of station


Callback will execute when a volume host path has been removed Emitted to members of station


Callback will execute when a volume has been removed Emitted to members of station


Callback will execute when a user has been expelled from the station Emitted to user that has been expelled


Callback will execute upon a user accepting an invite to a station Emitted to user who has accepted the invitation


Callback will execute when a station has been destroyed Emitted to anyone who received an invite to join the station


Callback will execute upon a user receiving an invite to a station Emitted to the user that receives the invite


Callback will execute when an invite to a station has been rejected Emitted to admin of station


Callback will execute when a request to join a station has been accepted Emitted to user who sent the request


Callback will execute when a station has been destroyed Emitted to anyone who sent a request to join to the station


Callback will execute when a request to join a station has been rejected Emitted to user who sent the request


Callback will execute when a request to join the station has been sent Emitted to user requesting to join the station


Callback will execute when a user has withdrawn from the station Emitted to user that is withdrawing

reject_request_to_join(station_id, user_ids)

Admins and owners can reject members that want to join a station


Reject an invitation to join a station

remove_lz_from_station(station_id, lz_ids)

Remove landing zones from a station

remove_member_from_station(station_id, user_id)

Remove a member from a station

remove_volume_from_station(station_id, volume_id)

Remove a volume from station


Request to join a station

update_station(station_id[, name, …])

Update a station

update_station_lz_resource_policy(…[, …])

Updates an the resource policy attached to the station lz.

update_station_member(station_id, user_id, …)

Updates a user in a station.

update_station_resource_policy(station_id[, …])

Updates an the resource policy attached to the station.

update_station_role(station_id, station_role_id)

Updates an existing role

update_station_role_resource_policy(…[, …])

Updates an the resource policy attached to the station role.

update_station_user_resource_policy(…[, …])

Updates an the resource policy attached to the station user.






list of weak references to the object (if defined)